I have finally been able to upload some photos! I will start updating you on my time so far in Ghana and see how far this internet connection will get me!
Home Life

After one and a half weeks of staying at the district assembly guest house in Walewale, I moved in with a family. My team leader, the director of the district assembly and probably others had reservations about me moving, mainly because they were concerned with my health (not unreasonable) but I insisted in finding a local home and have no regrets.

The father of the household is a highway engineer, so he is quite educated. In Africa you are not only responsible for supporting your immediate family, but also all of your extended family. So it makes it really difficult to get ahead even when you have a good job. He seems really respected within the community.

Home Life
It toke me awhile to figure out how many kids were actually in the family. There are usually extra kids around and the term brother or sister is used very loosely. In addition to the obvious meaning, brother could refer to a relative, a person from the same tribe or area, or a friend. In total they have 8 kids. One is away at University and offered me his room, and another is away at secondary school (often like boarding school). The only girl is 7 years old. Often the girls in African homes are expected to do the household chores, but in this house all of the kids work hard within the house. They cook, clean, fetch water, etc.

Oliver, 2, is the youngest boy in my house. He likes to march around the compound saying Holly, Holly, Holly. Sometimes it turns into Hoddy, Hoddy. He's greatly amused when I try to talk Mampruli and he loves the Frisbee I toke.

People at my house have been cracking groundnuts for the past month! They buy them in bulk (and I mean bulk), share with relatives and use them mainly for groundnut soup. The lady in the picture is hired to do the cracking.

The boys are pounding fu-fu (typically made from boiled yams in the north where cassava is not as easily available). When I first began eating it I was reminded of play-do but it seems notmal now. You eat with your hands and dip into stew or groundnut soup, swallow, don’t chew.

Walewale has a small town water system which means water from boreholes is piped to throughout the town to various standpipes. There is a standpipe about 30 ft from my (theoretical) door step. Sometimes it flows, sometimes it doesn’t. There is a water vendor in charge of the standpipe who collects payment for the water. A bucket costs 200 cedis ($1 = 8000 cedis). The family uses this water for drinking. There is a well within the compound which provides the bulk of the water used within the household. They use it for cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, and bathing. The well is partially covered by pieces of wood and the rubber bucket sits on the compound floor beside it. Mr. Adams tells me he has it tested and treated regularly and mentioned needing a proper cover. He doesn’t want the children to be falling sick, especially since he is often traveling for work. I have a large plastic bin (garbage bin size)which I fill with water from the borehole. I drink "pure water" which is similar to bottled water in Canada except it comes in a ½ litre plastic bag. There is a latrine (similar to an outhouse) in the compound and 2 urinal/bathing stalls (male and female).
It turns out that I'm actually not invisible like I first assumed. Over the past few weeks I've had a fun run with parasites (worms and others) and a nasty bladder infection. I didn't actually realize how sick you can get with worms………you learn something new everyday. You can't ignore health issues here because things don't just go away on their own. There were 2 especially frustrating things about being sick, health care and peoples perceptions of illnesses. Getting correctly diagnosed is one thing, receiving an appropriate prescription is another. A week and a half after becoming sick, I finally got de-wormed. Biggest of all though is peoples understanding of what germs are and where sicknesses come from. People seem to notice whatever I do in Walewale so most were aware I wasn't well. Everyone was constantly asking how my health was. Even though I would explain what I had and how I could have gotten it (food becoming contaminated by flies, not washing hands with soap before touching food or plate, etc.) they would still comment on the condition of my malaria , the change in weather which made me sick, or new food. So they would blame the sun or fu-fu instead of recognizing bad or inconsistent hygiene practices.

I was a tourist for an evening when some friends toke me to the sacred crocodile ponds in Paga. We fed them chickens so they would let us sit on them:S
Cultural Festival

The schools in and around Walewale have been practicing for a cultural festival so I got to enjoy some drumming and dancing.

My good friend and his family live in Gbmisi and I often visit them. It is the village just after Walewale so I see a bit more of the rural life. A couple quick things about the photos before I close for the night: 1) the kids in the photos have clothes but the place is dusty and hot so they often strip down to their underwear. 2) the older girl with the skipping rope is Evonne. She is in level 6 in school. She walks 1.5 hours to get to school everyday. She gets up even earlier to help fetch water and do other chores.
I haven't gotten to work yet but it will come in my next post (and next time there won't be such a wait!)
Hey Holly (AKA Crocodile Holly),
Great pics, Interesting stories, reminds me of home in some repects, yes, unfortunately including the parasites:-( I guess in such climates everything grow's ey. Glad to see you're taking it all in, changes your perspecitve on life doesn't it, the good and the bad. Keep em coming....God bless.
Your Friend,
Wow holy sounds like you are having an interesting time and getting to experience lots. Take care and keep the posts coming...
Hey Holly,
Quite a bit different than PEI but it's awesome that your getting to see that part of the world. I'm heading to Africa in 2009 so it's great to this sneak peek from you! Stay safe and I'll see you when you get back!
I just looked up your Profile on Facebook to see what you were up to.. and HOLY!! The blog is great!! I am excited to read more!! !Wonderful!! I'll be praying for your health!!
Michelle Ross-Hixson!
hey hol!! Loved the update! So great to hear that you are doing well and feeling well!! I really can't wait to hear about more and more of your experiences! Im in Australia right now and I found out that for my outreach one of the places we will be going into will be Ghana... this doesn't mean that I will for sure be going there but a team from my school will be for sure! Which is really cool! Im learning a lot and having an awesome time!
you be safe, im praying like crazy for you! Lots of love!
Great to see the pics and hear that you are recovering from sickness. We are praying for you. Do take care of yourself.
Hi holly,
i just googled "walewale" and found you! i spent 4 months there in 2005. is your friend in Gbimsi Joseph? i think i recognize his daughter yvonne (same dress as she had 2 years ago), and i imagine you would have met him at the DA guest house. He was a good friend of mine too, and i spent some fantastic evenings with his family playing charades and dancing games and something called "dixoneye" i taught them.
when i was in walewale i worked with an NGO called NENFOUND on a project with a bonesetter in Loagri #2 (village just about 5 k south of Walewale). I still miss walewale very much, which is why i was googling it!
if i'm right about your friend being joseph, please give him and his family my greetings. I'd love to hear more about what you're doing in walewale, if you're interested in corresponding... emily.antze@gmail.com
Amazing pictures, amazing story, makes me realise how much we take for granted here in the West. Hopefully you have got over your health issues and are keeping well. Looking forward to the next update....Look after yourself
I found you blog by searching Google for "Life in Ghana" We just started sponsorship of a little girl in Ghana from Compassion. I am trying to show my own daughters what life in Ghana is really like. I hope you continue to blog about your experiences! Thanks and God bless,
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